Fri 03 Jan
California Girl ***** BUSTY Beautiful BLONDE ***** Brand NEW to Orlando - 21
*A ~~ L ~~ E ~~ X ~~ I ~~ S *~~ *A* ~~ *T ~~ R ~~ U ~~ E *~~ *G ~~ F ~~ E* - 20
1 Rated ★HOT PeRsIaN ★First Class Service OUTcalls!! - specials/2 girl - 19
♥ You ready for a REAL CITY freak? __ Cause baby I don't cum with a leash! PICK YOUR POSITION - 21
(Orlando I drive- in or out)
100 Outcall• YuMmY EbOnY TrEaT 🍭🍬🍭 cRazY SkiLLs §PaNkABL€ BѺѺTY♛【JU¡CY • P¡NK • T¡GHT 】❤ Open Minded - 20
(Orlando, Altamonte Downtown Ucf Champions Gate)
Welcome back💘💘Bianca's super 💦Aquafina🎉👑 👑 💦💦💦That you must 📺👀✔✔in only📱 - 23
(Orlando, Orlando fl West Colonial Millenia Mall)
*JENNA* * * SexXxy Blonde Princess ~INC@LLS .@. I~DRIVE~ - FLAWLESS Features * * * Treat Yourself* - 23
(I-Drive In - Orlando Out)
💖 BBW BUFFET 💋 Who's Hungry 🍭 I am 🍌 in and out calls - 24
(Orlando, i drive in and out calls Orlando)
█ SEXY JESSICA ★ █ ★LOVES TO PLAY ★ █ ★ - 27
(Orlando, IN CALL/OUT CALL Orlando /surrounding)
Naughty Girls just wanna have fun /private home /incall special 180 kisses for both ladies - 33
(kirkman rd/metro west area)
Big booty latina... I do any and everything that your girl wont!! 407//486/2956 - 19
(i-drive orlando/ in and out calls)
==== > *´¯`·.☆· ·.·´¯`*__ {{SeXy}} ___ {SKiLLeD} __ & ___ {{ExXxTReMLy}} __ {AdDiCTiVe!}) - 26
(I-Drive/Orlando In-Out Calls)
Thu 02 Jan
:•: ▀▄▀ █ ☆ █ G O O D ♀ GIRL ★ N A U G H T ¥ ☿ HABITS ▀▄▀ █ ☆ █:•: ★ :•: - - 33
********* The H@t wednesday@y The H@t wednesd@y The H@t L@vely (Elizabeth) @@@******** - 20
(Orlando, I~Drive out calls and in calls)
THIS BEAUTY u can't RESIST!!!! Sexy * *brunette*** * BOMBSHELL* * !!! My skills will DRIVE u CRAZY! - 25
(Orlando, Sand lake)
##ReAdY 4 fUn## MiSs ThIcKnEsS 50 roses iNCaLl SpEcIal!!!! TaKe OFf TiMe;-) - 22
(Orlando, I drive in/out)
💖°Petite DReaM,.°im back√°W/NEW Recent Pics 💖 #UPSCALE√💖 - 22
(Orlando, # i•DRiVE√ IN CALL & OUT CALL)
* * OOOoooH SOOoo SexXxY * * * * * { SuPeR--NAuGHTy } ---100qk 140hh 160hr - 21
(I Drive/ in/out calls)
*{* NeW *}* {{ SeXy { * BLoNdE* } * {{ HoTie }}*l { *CuRvY* } l UNiVeRSaL}} {* NEw GiRL*} - - 21
★ HoT NEW PiCs ★ PeRsOnAbLe Petite NaTiVe AmErICaN Beauty ★ 100% Real ★ - 25
(Orlando, Orlando & Surrounding Areas)
********* Have a wonderful d@y with the lovly and beautiful ! (Elizabeth) @@@******** - 20
(Orlando, I~Drive out calls and in calls)
H_ O_ R_ N_ Y__ Goregous __FR E A K_ AnD READY 2 PLEASE! ~ Call A _ R_ E_ A_ L__ GIRL!!! - 21
(Orlando IN/OUT)
★:•: COME PLAY :•: ★:•: (WITH THESE BIG DD'S) CALL NOW! - 22
(Orlando, , i drive/disney/airport/in&out;)
!__ *BeInG* __!!__ *ThIs * __!!__* BaD *__!!__ * FeELs* __!!__* So0* __!!__ *Go0D* - 22
(incalls international drive)
°★ AMAZING BODY A REAL HOTTIE 100 hr in callSpecia l 1OO% REAL PHOTOS! - 21
(I drive in/out)
A* D* D* I* C* T* I* V* E* -- $80 TOP NOTCH SERVICE ~TER ID 146422 - 21
(Orlando I Drive IN/OUT)