Sat 04 Jan
Mon 6/28-Wed 6/30! MILF/GFE/PSE JessicaRabbit! Hourly Incalls Now Available! - 37
(Altamonte Springs Area)
Fri 03 Jan
:*★¨*: STRaWBeRRY BLoNDe PLaYMaTe ---> CoMe GeT a FuLL PLaTe :*★¨*: - 23
(Orlando/I-Drive (Incall ONLY)
( . ) ( . ) HaVe SoMe LuNCH ({}) STRaWBeRRY BLoNDe DeLiGHT ( . ) ( . ) - 23
(Orlando/I-Drive (Incall ONLY)
SUNDAY DRIVE....Grab Ur ☂ JUC! is Here 4 U .. ...C*M 2 Daytona Incall..Will Travel by Appt - 32
$exy $weet Profe$$ional & Di$creet Treat 4 U 2 Greet (blue-eyed strawberry blonde) - 23
(Orlando/I-Drive (Incall ONLY)
-:¦:- CLaSSy -:¦:- SeXy -:¦:-SWeeT -:¦:- WiLD-:¦:- FuN -:¦:- - 23
(Orlando/I-Drive (Incall ONLY)
C --- H --- I ---- N ---- A--- :*: G -- F -- E -- :*: IN/OUT :*: 24/7 - 23
(ORLANDO and surrounding areas/in/out)
C_Õ_M_P _£__T__£_Y_ ♥ _§_Â_T_I_ §_F_Y_I_Ñ_G_ ♥ _Â_£_W_Â_Y_§ _ ♥ _Â_N_G __£ _ - 23
(Orlando/I-Drive (Incall ONLY)
( ) ( ) AnGeL'S AFTeRNooN SNaCK ({}) i'LL TaKe You To HeaVeN & BaCK! ( ) ( ) - 23
(Orlando/I-Drive (Incall ONLY)
❇INCALL ONLY ♦ 👑♦ReaCh UlTiMatE EcStaSy ♦👑 ♦✨ BiG BooTy🌠 GReEn EyeS🌠✨ Hablo español✨ - 25
(INCALL ONLY I Drive, Orlando)
(((Incall Special Hour/180))) (((Half Hour/110))) (((Men On the Go/90)) - 23
(Orlando/I-Drive (Incall ONLY)
))) )Hey This Is Angel ~ Why Don't We Have Some Late Night Fun Together?! (((( - 23
(Orlando/I-Drive (Incall ONLY)
Thu 02 Jan
N E W !!! C-- H-- I--- N -- A _ N_E_W _ G_F_E 407-928-8773 24/7 N E W !!!! IN/OUT - 23
Kelany Ur Haitian Mixed Playmate is Here...100% Real. Sexy, Slender Shape & A Sweet Bubble Bottom - 24
(Orlando, Orlando (I-Drive Incall Only))
Kelany Ur Haitian Mixed VIP Playmate is Here For You.. Sexy, Sweet, Curvaceous. And Oh So Special!!! - 24
(Orlando, Orlando(I-Drive, Incall Only))
))) CoMe SMeLL THiS STRaWBeRRY BLoNDe FLoWeR iN THe Wee HouRS! ((( - 23
(Orlando/I-Drive (Incall ONLY)
C_H_I_N_A_ N_E_W _ G_F_E ((( ((())) )) )))) A_S_I_A_N / J_A_M_A_I _C_A_N - 23
))) It's Early ~~ Check Out This Strawberry Blonde Girlie ((( available all day))) - 23
(Orlando/I-Drive (Incall ONLY)