Mon 27 Jan
⏝ ⏠⎠ SUPER SEXY **REAL Pics** Naughty!! GIRL !!!! 100 hr Specials till 5pm - 21
(orlando/winter park/disney/Airport)
SUPER SeXy _____TIGHT BoDy ________I Am WET & ReaDy ____4 xXx-RATED ACTION_____LOW RATES_____ - 18
(Orlando IN/OUT)
*°SUPER I O U S * ° S EXY*° ASIAN-° GIRL - 24
(SEXY & NEW ASIAN GIRL in E. Colonial)
*° SUPER *° S EXY *° EURO-° ASIAN GIRL! - - 22
(SEXY & NEW ASIAN GIRL in E. Colonial)
* * * Super ^ ^ Hot * * ^ ^ * Blonde * Bunny 100% Fun Outcall special 150 - 20
(Orlando, ORLANDO / winterpark)
{{ SuPeR 60 SpEcIaLs tiLL 5pm }} ♥ FrEaKy DoMiNiCaN ChIc ♥ {{CoMe UnLoAd AllOvEr Me}} - 25
*~*~* SUNDAY FUNDAY AFTERNOON SPECIALS!! 4O7-276-1O28 (; Slim _ Sexy _ Brunette *~*~* - 23
(Orlando, Orlando / OUTCALL / INCALL)
Sunday Specials! 100 Rose/HH See the ONLY ROXY❗ Sexy Asian ProviderHey appt? Reviewed✔#149607 - 25
(Orlando, East Orlando (UCF))
Sugar & Spice - Let me pamper U!
(Daytona, Orlando, Space Coast, Treasure Coast, anywhere you want me!)
Stunning🍬SUPER SWEET🍭 G::O::R::G:: E::O::U::S»» T:: I::G::H::T THAi Beauty ⇢Super FRIENDLY& 100%REAL - 24
(::: Incall or Outcall :::, Orlando)
* SweeT Cuban TreaT * SEXY & FuN * LookS Are Stunning * ~ Amazing SkillZ ~ * LetS PlaY * - 21
(Orlando, My Place Or YourS ♥)
*-:¦:-* ❤ STUNNiNG* -:¦:- * EX0TiC PlAyMaTe* -:¦:- *D0N'T MiSS 0UT ❤ *-:¦:-* - 23
(International Drive - Incalls)
~*~* Sweet ~*~ Busty ~*~ Blonde ~*~ College~*Girl ~**~ Surpass ~*~ Your ~*~ Expectations!! ~*~*~* - 20
~* Sweet & Petite - Just what YOU need! - New to town! *~ Sexy Spinner Katie! - __PSE/GFE/_ - 26
(Casselberry Incalls)
>>>>> SUPER :::y: o: u: N: G:: sizzling HOTHOT !!!! ¿ WhY NoT ? EnjOy YOURSELF .. ""' cuM OvEr - 21
(oVer Here)
SW E E T * * * * * H O T * * * * * P L A Y F U L * * * * * * B L O N D E * * * * * * V I S I T I N G - 34
~*~Super Thick SeXy BBW Available Now!!!~*~Come Play With These 42DDD's~*~ - 24
(Orlando, I-4 Just Off Exit 72...Close to Seaworld)
super sexy young tight twat BANG ME HARDER DADDY amberstone @ your service
(Orlando/international area)
Super Special Girl 60Qv For A Very Special You - 22
(*Altamonte Springs* Sanford Lake Mary, Orlando)
★ :*¨¨*:: SUPER STAR TREATMENT COME BE MY MVP .:*¨¨*:: . ★ - 22
(Orlando Incall-Outcall surrounding areas)
Super Sexy **Curvy** Platinum BLONDE. Why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary!! - 35
(Your Place)
SuPeR sExY HoT tOtAl PaCkAgE *** BROOK SUNSHINE REVIEWED 148384 100*** rose specials - 21
Super Sexy "Super freak Super Leak. Luxury the Goddess. 305:986:6688 - 21
(Orlando, Orlando .international dr ,in and out)
@@@ Super sexy Peruvian BLONDE Ready to PARTY Come see me or I'll COME to You!!! All week Boys 24/7 - 24
(Orlando, Orlando FL)
Super Sexy Beautiful British Blonde On The Market Today!!! I Got What Ever U Want - 27
(Orlando, i drive)
*° SUPER *° S EXY *° EURO-° ASIAN GIRL! - 24
(My place in E Colonial Dr))
♥ SUPER:: ★ ::HOT:: ★ ♥ ::::TOTAL PACKAGE:: ♥ - London 100 1hr - 21
(Orlando, orlando/airport/ucf/i-drive/east orlando)