Mon 06 Jan
🔲👛👛👛🔲❤——N—E—W in town ❤——Very New❤❤HOT Young Laidy❤——Best Service 407-858-9172——🔲👛 - 25
(9741 S Orange Blossom Trail,Orlando, Orlando)
(SEXY & NEW ASIAN GIRL in E. Colonial)
💘💘❤️▬MAKE ME PUrrRRR❤️ ▬ ❤️====__BLONDE " Freshly Shaved" KiTTEN😜 ❤️ READY TO PLAY💘💘 - 24
K!LLeR HoTT!E * KNoCKoUT >>> bLoNdE BaRBie * ➜JuST WHaT YoU WaNT - 23
(Orlando, Orlando & Surrounding Areas)
Kelany aka Zee, the Exotic Haitian Beauty is in town. Come have an experience of a lifetime with me! - 24
(Orlando, Ocala, FL)
°°*☆( =F_L_¡_R_T_y= __ ★__ =_X_o_T_¡_© = __ ★__ =B__a_U_T_y ) °°*☆ - 21
(Orlando, Orlando Kirkman)
____✰____ CaLifOrNiA CuTiE ____✰_____ HOT and READY for you ___✰___ LuNCh TiMe SpECiAlS ___✰___ - 20
(Orlando, International Dr. incall)
Blondes do it better. Let me be your stress reliever. $$60$$ Special - 32
(Orlando, s. orlando,I4 and disney)
* 50 specials * Classy Latin Lady * U.C.F College Area Call For More Info =) - 21
(Orlando, U.C.F Area / east orlando)
★ 46 DDD ★ ———PRETTY FACE ——— WELL REVIEWED ——— ★ Tattoo's DONT LIE!! ID #157457 - 33
(Orlando, East Orlando / 50 & Alafaya)
36 DDD ########### 2638 ###### PLEASANT ########### SEXY ########### BEAUTIFUL ## - 27
(Orlando, (((east orlando)))Incalls Only))
> > Need a Place to RELAX? Cume to ASIAN PARADISE~! - 22
N=E=W __ J=A=W __ D=R=O=P=P=i=N=G __ E=L=i=T=E __ E=X=O=T=I= C __ P=L=A=Y=M=A=T=E __ K=A=Y=L=A= ! - 19
E✖ΘTiC❥SEXY █— —█—I LOVE WHITE GUYS——ⓑⓤⓢⓣⓨ❥36Cⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ ——█— —█ 100%❥REAL █— —█ - 305**879**1261 - 24
(Orlando, Altamonte, Dr. Phils, WinterPark, Orland)
♥Sexy blonde! $120 Incall Special and $160hr Incall Special TODAY Until 5pm Only!♥ - 45
(Orlando, Conway - Outcall to Orange Co Conv Ctr)
SaTiSFYiNG 🇴🇺🇹🇨🇦🇱🇱🇸🔴👯🔴👯🔴👯🔵💄🔵💄🔵 ReLy on ReGuLaRs 🔵 - 24
(Orlando, oRLaNdO LaKe MaRy aLtaMonTe WinDeRMerRe)
n💋 Im UR Escape I Got the Right TOuch💋💯Mixed Blasian 💎 - 25 - 25
(Orlando, orlando/outcalls only no incalls)
Mixed Exotic busty bisexual beauty looking for some Saturday fun. Call for the time of your life. - 21
Meet with Suzy (.) com Ucf Student needs help to pay Student loans - 21
(Incall / east colonial dr Ucf area, Orlando)
°[!Hav3 You 3ver Had A Girl Lik3 M3!!! |Pick Up & Call Fancy]° - 22
(Orlando, International Drive Orlando/kirkman road)
B A D D E S T -:¦:- T H I C K -:¦:- C H I C K -:¦:- I N -:¦:- O R L A N D O ((160 Specials)) - 25
(Orlando, IDRIVE)
Sun 05 Jan
🔥🔥🔥Hi Time to meet me 🔥🔥🔥I am Asian Student 🔥🔥🔥looking for same fun 🔥🔥🔥🔥 - 22
(Orlando, 🔥your place Only 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥)
WOW__ *NEW Pics*___ S E X.X.X Y___ ♥__ E X O T i C___ ♥__ V i X E N___ ♥_ Must-See - 21
(Orlando, INCALL ♥ i4 ♥ 436)
°★° ° { TRY} :* ☆¨*: {SOMETHING} :*★¨*: {NEW}: *¨☆*:60 spECIAL - 22
(Orlando, ♥I-drive incall ♥)
***** Tired Of Playing Games??? My Name Is Kyla And Im Here 4 Ur Pleasure ***** - 33
█╫╬💓╬╫█ T▬H▬E █╫💓╫█ B▬E▬S▬T▬█╫💓╫█ ▬ #❶BAD GIRL ▬█╫💓╫█ ▬SUPER SEXY ▬█╫💓╫█ ▬ BEAUTIFUL BLONDE ▬█╫💓╫█ ▬ - 24
•♛•* *:•.♥ ;•:*¨¨*:• : SEXY C0l0MbiANA FOR YOU PAPI •:*¨¨*:•. ♥•:*¨ *•♛•* - 21
(Orlando, orlando (out calls))
Reviewed & Approved. Tallest Gal Around. The Great Annette - 30
(Orlando, Ocoee/winter garden/apopka/wdw/orlando)
[[ ReAdY WhEn YoU ArE bOyS ] °•°-:¦:-•°•[B] [L] [O] [N] [D] [E] ❤ {BiG B(•)(•)Bs } •°-:¦:- - 22
(Orlando, [[ SaNdLaKe ]] 24hRs.)
New VISITING EXCLUSIVE Playmate* 100specials alll day!! BEAUTIFUL Face* Charmingly Flawless BRUNETTE - 27
(Orlando, in/out 4 Specials)