Sun 05 Jan
@@@ BBW OUTCALLS- A thick, sweet beauty- GREAT RATES- #1 in BBW outcalls - 27
(Orlando, surr. areas and all Lake County)
Real💨Chocolate Barbie💯All day i- drive & Very sexy🚸 - 21
(International dr 352-204-3302 all of, Orlando)
Sat 04 Jan
Tight BoDy/fat bOOtY*drug FREE*: Upscale/ Classy👸🌹NO AFRICAN AERICANS - 22
(Lake Buena vista/outcalls available, Orlando)
THE * PERFECT * COMPANION * FOR * THE * PERFECT * GENTLEMAN * ((CALL)special convention rates(CALL)) - 21
(Orlando OUTCALLS)
OrLaNdO #1 EsCoRt!! ~*EXOTIC* NATURAL 36Ds* ASIAN BEAUTY* 100% Real PicS - 18 - 18
(East Orlando: Alafaya and E.Colonial)
* * OOOoooH SOOoo SexXxY * * * * * { SuPeR--NAuGHTy } ---80qk 120hh 140hr - 21
(I Drive/ in/out calls)
N O Time for Games? CoMe induldge in sensual sessions... ( 80 / 100 / 160 ) **NEW PICS** Smile! - 23
♥ MISS COCO ♥ VIP mature white men ONLY Available now♥21 blonde play mate - 21
(Orlando, Orlando, Winter Park, Disney ' ALL areas)
I am TOTally.... ..... ........ ......... ......... ....WORTH PEEKIN AT - 22
(Orlando, ic/oc international drive)
BRAND NEW to Orlando. ALE--IS the PERFECT Companion for the *PERFECT Gentleman HOT BLONDE DD - 21
❥•ೋ ; ❥♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ * ❤ * BlOnDE GoDeSs ~~~ LoW VoLuMe ~~~ HiGh ClAsS * ❤ * ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ ❥•ೋ ; - 21
(Orlando, $$ 120 $$ ~OUTCALLS~ $$ 120 $$)
100 % Real Pics ----- Special 100 hr *till *9pm THE PERFECT COMPANION-- - 21
(orlando/winter park/disney/Airport)
💋💋💋 T'ea Winters Sexy. Sensual. Sophisticated 💋💋💋 T/E/R 311338 Reviewed - 29
(Orlando, Space Coast, Ucf, convention center, airport)
BBW OUTCALL/INCALL- find out why my companionship is in demand! A thick sweet beauty w/ great rates - 27
(Orlando and surr. areas, Lake county)
Fri 03 Jan
!~ Unordinary Gorgeous Latina ~! :: TALENTED & Unforgettable :: ((**Super SEXY**)) :: - 21
(Orlando, Millenia Mall Area ★)
TODAY'S SPECIALS* 100 % R e A L ! * *HoTT SExXi * BaBe* -----*80 qk* *100 hh* *140 hr* - 21
(I drive/Universal/Airporl/Disney/downto)
░▒▓ •★ • SIMPLY ❤ THE BEST• ★• ▓ ▒ ░ * ❤•* L✪ ✪K *•❤* ░▒▓•♥•★ SEXY 34D ★•♥• ▓▒░ *❤.•* DISCRETE *•❤* - 24
(Orlando, ★ Outcalls I Come To You Baby ★)
☆ ReaL Girl_Down to earth ☆ Sweet & Petite ☆ Sexy ☆ Brunette Kitten ☆ - 19
(Orlando, west orlando/ downtown area)
If YoUr TiReD oF aLl ThE rEsT tHeN cOmE tHe BeSt... $$60$$ SpEcIaLs.... - 32
(Orlando, Lake Buena Vista/ 535/ Disney)
If YoUr TiReD oF aLl ThE rEsT tHeN cOmE tRy tHe BeSt... $$60$$ SpEcIaLs.... - 32
(Orlando, Lake Buena Vista/ 535/ Disney)
GooD THiNGS CoMe IN SMaLL PaCKaGeS. CoMe ExPLoRe My TReaSuReS. $80 Specials - 21
(Orlando, ** ORLANDO, INCALL/OUTCALLS** Always Up!)
BBW OUTCALLS- find out why my companionship is in demand! A thick, sweet beauty with special rates!! - 27
(Orlando and surr. areas, Lake county)
TEQUILA BLACK 😘😘😘😘 THE Provider 4 YOU 😃😃😃😃😃😍😍😍 (No BLACK AMERICAN Men) - 25
(Orlando, $300 HR ( VISITING TWO DAYS ONLY))
Sweet sexy student, 100% real pics, no drama, 100% independent, true GFE. OUTCA - 19
(Orlando, and surrounding)
°In ToWn NoW ★ _XxX_ *DeLuXe* sO FrEaKy... DoMiNiCaN s!Ut ★ $100/hhr JuIcY gFe SpEcIaLs° - 27
(KiRkMaN Rd..incall/outcall)
💎💎Sunshine💎💎.Let me bring you joy😉💋9807772059🎉🎉🎉 - 23
(Orlando, Winterpark, Vista Lakes, East orlando)
Treat youself for the new year and ring it in the right way. $$60$$ New Year Special - 31
(Orlando, Lake Buena Vista/ 535)
.:*¨¨* ANGEL: ___ 5 ___ Star ___ Reviewed ___ Campanion *¨¨*:. (((( I ALSO HAVE 3 GIRLFRIENDS))) - 19
(UCF area IN/OUT 2 hotels >> 5 * REVIEWS)
Thu 02 Jan
********* The H@t wednesday@y The H@t wednesd@y The H@t L@vely (Elizabeth) @@@******** - 20
(Orlando, I~Drive out calls and in calls)
* * OOOoooH SOOoo SexXxY * * * * * { SuPeR--NAuGHTy } ---100qk 140hh 160hr - 21
(I Drive/ in/out calls)
$$$$$Malibu BARBIE after midnight party$$$$$ Call BELLA407-873-5996 - 21
(Orlando, Orlando I drive Kissimmee all hotels)
___ LATE NIGHT ______ (((((((( XxX ____ $70// $100 // $150 ____ XxX ))))))) _______ SPECIALS ______ - 19
(UCF area IN/OUT 2 hotels > 5star REVIEWS)
********* Have a wonderful d@y with the lovly and beautiful ! (Elizabeth) @@@******** - 20
(Orlando, I~Drive out calls and in calls)
H_ O_ R_ N_ Y__ Goregous __FR E A K_ AnD READY 2 PLEASE! ~ Call A _ R_ E_ A_ L__ GIRL!!! - 21
(Orlando IN/OUT)
Come Fly With Me... Angel has 3 girlfriends !!!!!! _________ WATCH US PLAY _______ Your Choice! ____ - 19
(UCF area IN/OUT 2 hotels >> 5 * REVIEWS)
Can ___ X_x_X ____ You ____ X_x_X ____ Handle ___ X_x_X ___ All ___ X_x_X ___ Four ___ X_x_X ___ ??? - 19
°★ AMAZING BODY A REAL HOTTIE 100 hr in callSpecia l 1OO% REAL PHOTOS! - 21
(I drive in/out)
Dont let the evening stop you..Call Sunshine🌞!! 9807772059 - 23
(Orlando, Orlando metro, olrando, surrounding area)
$120/hr %%%LOOK%%% ((((( BaD GirL ChArM & FrEaKy MeNtALiTy ))))) BooTy 4 DaYs * HuGe BooBs * - 36
(Kirkman rd. Incall!Outcalls Available!!)
sexy $100 HOTT $100 $100 BLONDE $100 outcalls $100 GORGEOUS $100 long legs $100 PERKY $100 DD - 21
~S E X Y~E X O T I C~S W E E T~G O R G E O U S ~H O T~R E A L~ F R E A K Y~ - 21
(Orlando, ♥ I N T E R N A T I O N A L ϖ)
°In ToWn NoW ★ S!uTty SwEEt *DeLuXe*_XxX_ DoMiNiCaN FrEaK ★ $100/hhr JuIcY gFe SpEcIaLs° - 27
(KiRkMaN Rd..incall/outcall)
%%% AVAILABLE NOW %%% $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 Specials! Specials! Specials! - 36