Sat 04 Jan
There's No Such Thing as Too Much Tongue ...Mature Kissable leggy Escort ... Visit my garden of Lust - 46
(Orlando, My garden of lust NE Orlando)
__-This T O N G U E {is} dRiiPPiiNG W E T && this {{KITTY}} KAT IS @ it's BEST__ - - 21
(Orlando- in/out)
SUPER SeXy _____TIGHT BoDy ________GABBY IS WET & ReaDy ____4 xXx-RATED ACTION_____LOW RATES_____ - 22
SUPER: ★ :SINFULL :: ★ :SEXY*FREAK... Specials Specials Specials - 32
(Orlando, Orlando, South *Orlando*I-Drive Area)
♥ Sexy hot blonde! $120 Incall Special and $170hr Incall Special TODAY till 8pm Only! ♥ - 45
(Orlando, Conway - Outcall to Orange Co Conv Ctr)
♥♥ Sexy hot Blonde! Well Reviewed - $180hr Incall Special! ♥♥ - 44
(Orlando, Conway - Outcall to Orange Co Conv Ctr)
Roxy! SPECIAL: Kisses! Petite, Exotic, 34D's, and 1/2 ASIAN! 100% REAL pics & Reviews - 20
(Casselberry (434 & 17-92))
* * OOOoooH SOOoo SexXxY * * * * * { SuPeR--NAuGHTy } ---80qk 120hh 140hr - 21
(I Drive/ in/out calls)
♥NeW♥SpL♡iN CaLL♡120█▒██▒█ _VisITinG CaLiFoRNia STriPpeR_█▒██▒█▒██▒█_OUT CALLS_█▒██▒█▒██▒█ - 21
(Orlando, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥iNCaLLs♥OuTCaLLs♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥)
((★ NeW BLONDE ★)) __((*1OOO% REAL PHOTOS GUARENTEE *))__ (( Available 24/7 !!!!!)) - 20
(Orlando, I-Drive & 528: In & Outcall)
║█║NAUGHT¥ Little HØTT¡€ T╠╣e §W€€T€§T CH€€K§ *Small waist *Pretty Face ★ A Tu€ PL€ÂS€! ║█║ - 19
(Orlando, International dr in/out all night)
Mature Kissable leggy Lady ....... Haley's New Incall Open ...... Visit my garden of Lust - 46
(Orlando, My garden of lust awaits your visit)
°LiMiTeD TiMe OnLy★ S!uTtY.. *sWeeT*_XxX_ DoMiNiCaN FrEaK ★ $100/Hhr JuIcY sPeCiAlS GfE° - 27
(KiRkMaN Rd....InCaLLs/OuTcAllS)
|| ☆ || LeT mE [[ GiVe ]] yOu a * ReAsOn * 2 (( sCrEaM )) mY nAmE! || ☆ || - 22
(Orlando, ORLANDO / FL. Mall Area)
(¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) LaST NiGhT iN ToWN..GeNTLeMEN ! ! ! ReVIeWeD ! ! ! (¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) - 44
(Orlando, Sea World area)
I'M BacK ____________ 150 ___ FHr ____________ All DAY ______ till 10pm ____ COME GET IT !!!!!!!! - 22
Gorgeous, Sweet, and Sassy! Under the sheets a freak but out of the sheets I'm more than Classy!! - 26
(East Orlando area)
H O T S E X Y B O M B S H E L L -S - 24
(i drive)
Gorgeous playful playmate.. College Caucasian cutie BBW... ! 75$ special! OPEN MINDED - 19
(Orlando, My place or yours in orlando)
$EXXY ____ 💋 PETITE _____ BLONDE _____ BOMBSHELL 💋 NEW _____ IN _____ TOWN!! - 35
(Orlando, International Drive/Upscale Location)
FLIRTATIOUS, ALLURING & SENSUAL!!! curvy & petite brunette with piercing hazel eyes (407)4121768 - 25
(Orlando, in or out calls Orlando Florida (ONLY))
F★U★N ----- ------★ REAL PICS ★ / 100 SPECIAL 100 special------- -------- dreamy NEW girl - 24
(Orlando, Orlando In/outcalls Available now)
>>> ▶️▶️Fun And Playful local CuTiE • 💋 Discrete and professional◀️◀️
(Call for details :)) Incall SPECIALS, Orlando)
Fresh Friday💦🍸w/Diamond $50$50 In Call Special - 22
(John Young, Conroy, Millenia, Americana, Orlando)
________ Busty, Busty, Busty, Busty hot long legged Girl !!! ________
(too ui travel/ hotels welcome)
Bend This Ass Over ~*~ Hold My Thick Hips ~*~ Spread My Big Cheeks ~*~ Enter Pleasure
(5'8 Im a 34c 24 34)
Bend This Ass Over ~*~ Hold On To My Thick Hips ~*~ Spread My Big Cheeks ~*~ Enter Pleasure - 22
(5'8 Im a 34c 24 34)
! A r a b i a n Sensual & Fun size petite Sexy Goddess ! - 21
(Orlando, orlando-Airport Curry ford rd)
((( 80 in call SpeCials ))) ~ Waiting* Sexy * Gorgeous ** Ebony & DominiCan Call Me313-784-2599 - 22
(kirkman i-drive)
$100/160 IN/ OUT call ^ treat yourself *companionship* PICS via TEXT - 25
(Orlando, Orlando fl & coco beach)
————— × E X Ø T I C × —————— × P L A Y M A T € × ————— × OP€NMiND€D × —————— × 2OO.OO SPECIAL!!! - 22
* A.T.T.E. N.T.I.O.N ! * --> YOUR _ {! NEW !}_BusTy & DeLiCioUs _ LaTin ADDiCTiON!!!
(I-Drive incalls)
100 % Real Pics ----- Special 100 hr *till *9pm THE PERFECT COMPANION-- - 21
(orlando/winter park/disney/Airport)
Serena☆♡☆♡ OUTCALLS. Call Me And Lets Make Tonight Something Youll Never Forget. - 22
(Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando)
Serena☆♡☆♡ OUTCALLS. And INCALLS Call Me And Lets Make Tonight Something Youll Never Forget. - 22
(Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando)
S e x y E B O N Y C a r a me l C o l l e g e S t u d e n t Incall 100% Real Pics!!
(near international & Sandlake)
@@@@@ ____I'M WHITE/BRAZILIAN N FULL OF FUN....WANNA PLAY? 100 SPECIALS ______ @@@@@@ - 19
(Orlando, Colonial & I4/DOWNTOWN)
__* INCALL/ OUTCALL *____* ReaL GirL *____* NO AGENCY *______* Brunette *______ * Cute *N* FuN *____ - 18
(Incall I Drive---Out calls to All of Orl)
~* eXXXpLoSiVe ~*~ WeT'n WiLD ~*~ PLeaSuRe ~*~ NAUGHTY * YounG * HOTTIE! ~*~ WaNNa PLaY ? ~*~ - 19
(orlando outcalls only)
ESCAPE 2 THAILAND ~*~ Toys ~ Fetishes ~*~ Exotic & Erotic ~*~ LeTs ParTy!!! - 24
!! Beautiful !! Fun -- Sexy -- Long Hair == Latin Play mate -- Don't Miss Out!!! REAL PICS - 24
*-:¦:-* §w A§ HAvn * Bu NaUgHY A§ HLL *-:¦:- NeW iN ToWn *-:¦:- LEAVIN AT 4 PM!! - 21
W E_ A R E_ W H A T_U B E E N_ W A I T I N G_ F O R_S E X Y_ & V E R Y. SaTiSfYinG - 21
(2GIRLS FOR $200 ( I-4 SANDLAKE ))