Thu 09 Jan
Sexy Thick white Curvy and Very Outgoing and Loads of fun NEW PICS !!!!! - 20
(Orlando, Curry ford /Semeran Blvd Area)
OutCALL ONLY 80 ~~~80 SPECIALS* ~ 80 SPECIALS 160hr~ NEW GIRL ♥160hr** ♡100hh* specials ~80 ♥♡♥80 ♥♡ - 19
💖 Petite Body with REAL 36DDs 💖__💖Sexy DIRTY BLONDE wont Disappoint 💖__💖 Discreet Outcalls - 21
(Orlando, Orlando Outcalls)
OrLaNdO #1 EsCoRt!! ~*EXOTIC* NATURAL 36Ds* ASIAN BEAUTY* 100% Real PicS - 18 - 18
(East Orlando: Alafaya and E.Colonial)
☆ °o!o° ☆ [LADII] °o° [PEBBLES] °o° [WITH] °o° [ $40SP] ☆ °o!o° ☆ - 25
__♥__ O__ ♥__CuRvy BLonDe Cutie __♥_ SWEET & JUICY 1OO% ReaL==SpeciaL - 24
°o©°* ((= THiCK =)) °o★©° ((= EXOTiC =)) °★©° ((=CUTIE=)) °o© - 27
(Airport ... 436 / curry ford)
Only 1 more WEEK ORLANDO:-( Stop b4 it's 2 late $100 $150 $200 Super Freak!!
(Orlando, orlando incall near i-drive)
*°♥°O_N _E __ i_N __ A__ M_i_L_ L_i_O_N °♥* (( ASIAN)) 36 D's/Soft - 19
•°o STOP HERE • LOOK no further•°o sexxy Ebony•°o 50special - 28
(Orlando, East Orlando,Altamonte,Airport,I-4,Ovied)
No Rules! (8oSpecial) You will love what's on the Menu! Anything Go's! I love to Please!* - 22
Only The Experience can fullfill what You are Looking for and I am the true Meaning Of Fullfillment! - 22
(Orlano area)
👯👯👯👯👯NO COMPETITION When It Comes to CURVES💋💋💋💋 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐SERVICE🐰🐰🐰 - 21
(International dr incalls kirkman, Orlando)
No RuSh, SwEeT, & dIsCrEeT... InDePeNdEnT , DrAmA FrEe!! WeLcOmE To EcSTaCy..... - 23
(Orlando, outcall only all of Orlando)
LATE NIGHT!!!!! 2*** GIRL*** SPECIAL* ** *100* **** *40MIN!!* **** - 19
•:☆:• LeT me Be Ur DiRtY LiL Freak☆ [«Watch My Video»] LeTs PlAy ☆:Naughty 2Girl special ♥♡ - 21
(i drive in calls only, Orlando)
Last Couple of Days!!** Dont Miss Out - Let me put a Smile on your Face =) ( 5'0 / 125 / 36c ) - 23
(( No Worries / No Regrets<- MyGaurentee!)
♥♥♥ LeaViNG Soon!! NeW PiCS! Busty Caucasian Babe With Legs For Days!! AWeSoME REViEWS!!! ♥♥♥ - 27
(Orlando, Super Outcall Specials!)
Just say NO to the fakes!! Call CHICAGO! ___ She's Ready to Celebrate! ♥ FREAK_ FREAK_ ALERT - 21
(i drive-orlando in or out)
J__u__s__T ___ A__ r__ r__ i__ v__ e__ d ___ I__n ___ T__ o__ w__ n *** SeXy BLONDE PlaYmaTe *** - 24
(*** ORLANDO Incalls & Outcalls ***)
J__u__s__T ___ A__ r__ r__ i__ v__ e__ d ___ I__n ___ T__ o__ w__ n *** SeXy BLONDE GFE PlaYmaTe - 24
(*** ORLANDO Incalls & Outcalls ***)
ℓε† ℳ∈ ℳαkε ⓨⓞⓤⓡ βoⓓվ §h∂kε!💋վuMMվ §Ѡ€€† †R€∂†ⓕⓡⓔⓐⓚ ↬☎ησϖ➋➍➆ - 22
(Space Coast, cocoa,Titusville,Melbourne,Palm bay)
********THE BEST ASS ON BP******** NAUGHTY KITTY******** LET'S PLAY - 22
(ORLANDO I-Drive IN-OUTcall)
★★★★ GEISHAS★ Hot !★GREAT REVIEWS!!!!! HOT!!Come Here... And Let Us Take You There!! ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ - 21
(Orlando, Rear Parking Back Entrance #5★★★★★★★★★★)
(G_o_R_g_ E_o_U_s ) 36Dcup °°•★•°° (_S_e_X_y_) °°•★•°° (_T _ e_ M_ p_ T_a_ T_i _O_n_) BRUNETTE$$ - 21
-----}}} GaMe DaY SPeCiaL ~ TiMe 2 PLaY ~ GiVe Me a CaLL! {{{------ - 23
(Orlando/I-Drive (Incall ONLY)
///*:. :*¨¨*::\\\ FReSH & ReaDy 2 GeT DoWN & DiRTy ///::*¨¨*:. :* \\\ - 23
(Orlando/I-Drive (Incall ONLY)
Ebony Puerto Rican Mix ... Naughty GFE! VISITING *♥ :: ♥ SeXy ~ SoOo Wet ~ SoOo Ready - 21
DOMINaCIAN 60 Roses ♥ [ GoRgoUs ] ♥ [ SDuCT!v ] ♥ [ UNFoRGTTaBL ] - 23
(Orlando, i drive, convention center, disney)
*¨¨*.CUM:)' Party in my panties.. Oops I mean place!*¨¨*Oh well guess I'm just a BAD GiRL!*¨¨* - 21
★ Do you ever FANTASIZE about being with a SeXXXy BBW? ★ Men 50 & OVER welcome ★ - 38
(Orlando To Be Announced)
Dont Let Monday Blues Get You Down ❤ SEXY ❤ Curvaceous ❤ THICK ❤ Lets Have Some Fun ❤ - 47
(Orlando, Altamonte Springs - 434 & 436)
❯►❯►❯►❯►❯►❯Come, Relax with Me and Forget your Worries ★ Independent Asian Masseuse ❯►❯►❯►❯►❯►❯ - 25
(Orlando, ♔AllOverUrHotel&Resident;(¯`'•.¸ ♔¸.·'´¯))
"""";......CoMe See Me NoW ..... i'M THe CuTeST STRaWBeRRy BLoNDe iN ToWN! ......;''''''' - 23
(Orlando/I-Drive (Incall ONLY)