Fri 10 Jan
NEW PICS! 100% real! Flaming Hot Ebony Shantal Looking for a night of Passion! CALL NOW 407.346.4824 - 21
(Orlando, orlando/ altamonte springs)
Hot Sexy Blonde ~ Well reviewed ~ $180hr Incall Special! * - 44
(Orlando, Conway - Outcall to Orange Co Conv Ctr)
☆120RoseHRspecial ☆REAL☆ REAL☆ REAL☆ REAL☆... Hot Asian American - 23
(Orlando, International Drv/ORLANDO ALL AREAS)
4 GIRLS _________ aval NOW!!!! *¨¨*:: EARLY _______ MORN!NG _______ INCALL ______ SPEC!ALS :*¨¨*: - 19
(University/UCF IN/OUT2 Upscale Location$)
SPECIALS!! 100/hr **** 60/hh **** !! H o T * S e X y * d R i P p I n G W e T** P i Nk - 23
$175 *Pretty * Julianna Andres IS BACK !! * Sensual * $175 - 27
(Orlando, Kirkman @ Universal or Outcall)
Wild out calls only🍡FIVE STAR👙All week end Exclusive 🚻 Party all night🎇🎉💄💋- - 25
(Orlando, orlando outcalls international incalls)
💋x-x Ñaúghtÿ LATINA Lover x-x💋 ¡! *So Exotic been told lol *! 1000% (120 special) Guaranteed! - 21
(Orlando, orlando/surrounding areas)
Outcall&In; Available🔥🔥 M I A M I H O T T E S T G O D D E S S 🔥🔥 💯%Real - 22
(Kirkman Road & International Drive, Orlando)
♥♥ Friday Incall Special til 8pm! Well Reviewed Search E-Mails for Reviews!! Love to Kiss ♥♥ - 50
(Orlando, Orlando near Airport-O/C depend on loctn)
60spl🔥👅💦💦London $UPER JUICY Tatted Beauty💦💋💖💋60sp - 22
(Orlando, winter Park, Altamonte,Rosemont,Lee road)
No Drama//Hazzle -- Natural Beauty w/ the girl next door charm. ((**u wont regret)) { 115 / 5'1 } - 23
AVAILABLE NOW!**Beautiful Italian Queen, Ready to fullfill your every need**AVAILABLE NOW!! - 25
(Space Coast, Cocoa Beach)
---------- ----------- ------ CARINA - Beach Bunny - New TER Reviews ----------- ---------- - 22
(Orlando, OUTCALL)
BOOBALISCIOUS - I'll satisfy your craving for something sweet ;) HUGE DD's!!! OUTCALL - 35
(Orlando, orlando outcall)
Thu 09 Jan
**** BloNdE BaRbiE *** Ready 2 Please U !!! *** SpeCialS CaLL ME BaBy For The time of your Life!! - 23
(Treasure Coast, Treasure coast ALL)
**140 140** BEAUTIFUL Newbie COLUMBIAN 140●●☆ LAST DAY IN TOWN♥♥ *** AVAILABLE TIL 7*** 140``140 - 30
(Space Coast, OUTCALL/ Incall)
UpScALe Ebony Puerto Rican GFE ☆ CERTIFIED FREAK ** SPECIALS* Visiting! MON & TUES - 19
Caramel Coated Tia) WoW Coke-Bottle Body : OMG! SHES HOT (IDRIVE) CeRtifieD Sexy Freaky 100% GFE - 21
(IDrive/Carrier (INCALL & OUTCALL))
Enjoy the Ultimate Experience with Two Sexy Naughty Ladies new number - 27
(Orlando, Lee rd & I4 (incall-outcall) 24/7)
~ ~ WICKED Awesome Special $100 per hour ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~REAL~ Redhead~READY~to ~PLAY ~ ~ ~ ~ - 31
(Orlando, International Drive)
SEXY Redhead SOUTHERN BELLE Beauty With Brown Eyes, Amazing PERSONALITY and Hour Glass Figure!! NEW!
♥ A Real Girl ♥ No Agency ♥ I drive alone ♥ Upscale European Model ♥ - 21
(Orlando Area Outcall/Universal-Altamonte)
gGrab Your ☂JUC! is Here 4 u ..42ddd ebony beauty! . ☎NOW ...Sexy BBW Edition! - 32
💋💋💕💕💟💟 Liz HOT Bodie EXOTICᑕ 🍒 ✨✨ Highly REVIEWED ✨ ✨COME & SEE 4 YourSelf💟💟💕💕 💋💋 - 23
(Kissimmee or your place, Orlando)
☆Puerto Rican Bombshell☆♡Ask about my 50$ Headache relief specialty♡Guaranteed to leave you pleased - 25
(Orlando, Mccoy Road airport area or your place)
Wed 08 Jan
++++NEeD SOME CoMPANY ???==== CaN I CoME OVER ??? ==== MZ ALEXiS SToNE ==== AVaIL 24 HRS !!!
One Time Lunch Special. .....60 //100 //140// 1st..come 1st serve////407 ..284. .2927 - 21
Cavalier Club Asian Escorts| Top Asian Escorts|Orlando's Asian (407)569-5515 Call or Text - 24
(Orlando, Orlando-Everywhere)
$$80 *** $$80 Special **** Your (((( $80 specials)) GREAT TIME WITH A GREAT GIRL $$80 Outcalls - 21
(Orlando, outcall only)
175 *¨¨*GREAT SMILE *¨¨**¨¨* JULIANNA ANDRES IS BACK!!! *¨¨**¨¨* GORGEOUS *¨¨*175 - 27
(Orlando, Kirkman @ Universal or Outcall)
·° Y0uNG Bl0nD€ B0MB$heLL; « Enj0¥!NG Fl0RiDA » Wanna Jo!N M€? °· - 21
(Orlando, Orlando && Surrounding Areas)
* * When Experience Matters - $100 Special! * * - 44
(Orlando, Conway - Outcall to Orange Co Conv Ctr)
LeT ME Be YoUr DirTY LiTTLe SeCreT... I'vE GoT whAt iT taKEs... Do YOu?!? - 24
(Orlando and Surrounding Areas)
Just A Couple of Beach Babes That Want To Be Playfull /private Upscale Condo - 34
(i-4/kirkman rd/universal/ orlando)
▬【# ①】SUPER ▬▬SKILLED ▬▬▬【# ①】█▬█ ✪ ▀█▀ ▬▬ GIRLS▬▬▬【# ①】 NEW FACE ▬▬▬ 【# ①】T〇P CH〇ICE - 26
Deelishis is here to fulfill your every need, with a candle light suite ready to pamper you! - 20
(Orlando, Idrive, downtown, Airport)
80 80 **80 *specials **80** Outcall ONLY GREAT TIME WITH A SEXY woman 100% ME NO DRIVERS ~NO GAMESo - 34
(Orlando, OUT)
❤⚠ 🚨➡➡🔴 STOP HERE ❤️⚠ BubbleButt ❤️ ⚠ Bombshell💣❤️ ⚠❤️⚠Pretty HOTT🔥. - 21
(Altamonte in or out, Orlando)
★ BUSTY BLONDE ITALIANA ★ MIA BABY!! #1 inCALL/OUTcall special! - 19
Tue 07 Jan
One of Orlandos Finest has come home to the Treasure Coast!!! - 42
(Treasure Coast, Outcalls~Vero Beach ~ Stuart)
[★ ★] [★ ★] -SwEeT- Rebecca G.F.E!! - Avail all nite![★ ★] - 21
(INTERNATIONAL DR. orlando! in.out)
: ☎:*¨¨* SEXY Latina *¨¨*:. . ~♥~ :*¨¨* Bon Bon * ☎ *BIG DD's - 20
( ☆ ) ♥ NeW ♥ 100% InDePeNdEnT ♥ BUsTy EuRoPeAn PlAyMaTe ( ☆ ) - 21
(Outcall/UCF/Downtown/Winter Park/Apopka)
I N T O X I C A T I N G - B E A U T Y ** E X O T I C ** S U P E R - S E X Y - 24
* Hot Sexy Blonde ~ Well reviewed ~ $180hr Incall Special! * - 44
(Orlando, Conway - Outcall to Orange Co Conv Ctr)
__-This T O N G U E {is} dRiiPPiiNG W E T && this {{KITTY}} KAT IS @ it's BEST__ - - 21
(Orlando- in/out)