Mon 27 Jan
SPECIALS!! L i V e * O u T * y O u R * f A n T a S i E s {G F E} wEt wEt!! aNy♥ThInG gOeS - 23
*** *** (( Soothing Full Body Adult Therapy At Its Erotic Best )) *** *** Last Day In Town : ( - 23
Sophia ****** Sexiest ****** Petite ***** Brunette ***** Exxxxtreme Pleasure - 20
(Orlando IN/OUT celibration)
Soft Sensual Seductive Red Head here to please all your Needs. - 21
(Orlando, OUTCALLS~SPECIALS!!.Disney Area.)
💋💋Soft and Sweet Early In Call special💖💖In Call special - 24
(International Drive, Universal Studios, Orlando)
💜💖💜 START the Weekend RIGHT , LET'S PLAY - I'm YOUR SUGAR 😇 & SPICE 😈 & everything NICE 💜💖💜 - 30
(Orange City, Deltona, Deland, Sanford, Orlando)
Sp!ll !t 0N My B( 🔷 Y 🔷 )Bs !!! 💯 ALL NaTuRaL Tripple D-D-D 4 u 2 ReSt YoUr hEaD On - 24
(Orlando, incall/outcall)
🎉🎊🎋SPANK ME🎈🎈 ITS MY BIRTHDAY 🎈🎈407-373-4488🎈🎊🎈 - 35
(Orlando, Orl/Altamonte/Casselberry/ LkMry/Longwoo)
Specail!... She's sexy!... She's beautiful!... Come play!...100% Real - 23
(Orlando, Orlando Fl Mall and Surrounding Areas)
Sorry I made you wait!... Im Pretty,Sexy and 100% real! - 21
(Orlando, Orlando Fl Mall and Surrounding Areas)
🌠Spanish Barbie 🌠~ 💯% 🌟100%Real 🌟~ 💯% 💎ĘXÓŢÌÇ💎~ 💯% 👯 👯~ 💯% 😻😻~ 💯% 👅Seductive👅 - 22
(Orlando, lee rd / orlando ~~INcalls~~)
;;/;;:;:;Spanish butterfly in town for a few days Best deals around%>]~~~} - 25
(Orlando, International drive)
"Soft CHERRY Lips > HUGE DD's > PRETTY Caramel Face > Round AZZ -- Now Visitn' !!!!" - 26
(Orlando, IN/ OUT)
———— ► SneaK AwaY ◄ ——— ► AnD ComE PlaY ◄ ——— ► WitH ME!!!!◄ —— - 20
(Orlando, Incalls OutCalls {FETISH PLAY AVAIL})
Sq*iRt*r ♫ Sq*iRt*r CuM MAKe mE Sq*iRt*r dAdDy - Sq*iRt*r ♫ Sq*iRt*r ♫
SPECIALS !! :*: *SUPER SEXY: *BeAuTiFuL:*: * BlOnDe:*: *BOMBSHELL :* - 22
SPECIALS!!! NEW.FACES / DoUble the pleasure double funn! Letus put you at ease! 80 //100 //140// - 21
SPECIAL ***specials **** Outcall & Incall GREAT TIME WITH Stunning Sexy girl NO DRIVERS ~NO GAMES - 22
(Orlando, OUT/ in)
RaTeD #1MiXeD PrOvIdEr In ToWn★OfTeN ImiTaTeD ^^ BuT NeVeR DuPliCaTeD.SeXy StRaWbErRy.100$4072858382 - 31
(Orlando, IN/Out...#134764. Orlando 407..285..8382)
**** Pure seduction... Awesome Body ... *Ready for some fun Baby* .... Near You lets meet *NOW* - 23
(out call (orlando))
💟💠💟REAL‼️ BeaUtiFuL BaBe👙 YoUR drEaM GirL CoMe True☑️!! 🔝 NoTcH BOMBSHELL 💟💠💟specials - 23
(Orlando, out call ONLY)
Pure seduction... Awesome Body ... Ready for some fun .... Are you ....... ...... . - 23
(orlando out calls)
**** Pure seduction... Awesome Body ... Ready for some fun Baby.... Near You lets meet NOW ! ! ^ > - 23
(Orlando in and out calls)
L A S T ___ N I G H T ____ H E R E ___ H O T T___ A N D ____19))) M E K A - 19
JuST _ WHaT _ You _ DeSeRVe ===> _PeRkY pEtItE tReAT ===> SWeeT _&_ SeXy _ _ - 23
Jina's back! LAUREN'S friends contact me. Incall & outcall - 44
(Orlando, DaytonaOrlandoLkBuenaVistaCentralFlCoast)
✳🍥 JESSICA JADE 💟🌸 sizzlin hot cocoa🌸 ✳SPECIALS ✳💟1000 % me - 20
(Orlando, OUT TO YOU disney I drive lake buena vis)
**JAyDA PriCe BAcK for LiMiTED TImE!!WELL ReVIEwED! GREAT Tits Wit a Booty-:¦: SpECIAlS- 2 - 23
(Orlando, east orlando +incalls/outcalls)
ღ Its ROXY! * SPECIAL! HH: 125 QH:100 * Exotic, Sexy, Energetic,ASIAN TER ID#:149607 ღ - 19
(East Orlando: (UCF Area) 100% REAL PICS!)
*ITS FOXY ROXY Gentlemen!! Orlando's #1 Escort! Beautiful, Exotic, Young, ASIAN * 100% REAL PICS! - 18
(East Orlando: (UCF Area))
💋 JuICY BOOTY!!! ---💋 --- EXOTIC BOMBSHELL --- 💋 --- WiLD & S.EXY!!! ---💋 --- SPECIALS --- 💋 - 23
(Orlando, Incall-OutCaLL (BOOTY BUILT 4 FETISH))
ღ Its ROXY! *SPECIAL! HH:140 Roses* Exotic, Sexy, Energetic, ASIAN TER ID#: 149607 ღ - 19
(East Orlando: (UCF Area) 100% REAL PICS!)
💋KISS the ❶, & 0nly 😘S E X Y😘 S L I M 👅PLAYMATE ASHLEY 💗321.775.5698!💋 - 23
(Orlando, Orlando, Lake,Mary, I drive Kiss Out)
JUST ❶ WORD G O R G E O U S EXOTIC PLAYMATE AVA 407*318*0324!! - 24
(Orlando, Orlando, Lake.Mary, I drive Kiss Out)
ITS ROXY..OrLaNdO's #1 EsCoRt!! FUN, Exotic, Asian W/ Natural 34D's!! 100% REAL PICS!
(East Orlando (In the UCF area))
It's STORMY AND I'm going to Rock your World!!! (386) 631-0282 - 26
(Orlando, Disney Area, 535, I-Drive)
ITS FOXY ROXY Gentlemen! Orlando's #1 Escort! Beautiful, Exotic, Young, ASIAN (100% REAL PICS!!) - 18
(East Orlando: (UCF Area))
► ★ *iTs PlAy TiMe BoYs* ★ ◄ SEXY Alexus LAST DAY IN TOWN! - 35
(O..R..L..A..N..D..O ---> INCALLS)
itialian exotic princess looking for someone bust my cherry 🍒 - 23
(Space Coast, west melbourne,192,space coast area)
°•Italian bombshell Kylie is Back•°leave your worries at the door come relax & play night *day☆ - 26
(Space Coast, Cocoa beach,Merritt Island...)
Kick off those work boots n stay awile! Special! Special! - 23
(Orlando, E Colonial and Alafaya/ UCF Area)
Jaysha's in town Friday only offering INCALL/outcall for 1st time LIMITED openings** BBW - 33
(near universal)
☆•Its PlaYtiMe Now &AfTeRMidNighT; ☆EboNy GoddeSS☆. •* ☆. •BeAuTy @ iTs fiNeST! [ OuTcaLL $peCiaLs]]] - 20
(Orlando, Outcalls &incalls;)
Its Tina***The Queen of the Jungle and I am ready to Play with YOU (Must See!!!) *** Specials *** - 23
*ITS FOXY ROXY Gentlemen!! Orlando's #1 Escort! Beautiful, Exotic, Young, ASIAN* 100% REAL PICS!! - 18
(East Orlando: (UCF Area))
Italian 💕sweet ❤❤nogame❤ foreign❤ ❤rare ❤ ❤exotic💯r[ HOTTEST BABE ] real 💋❤ ❤ sexy❤ independent😘 - 21
ღ Its ROXY! *SPECIAL! HH:125 QH:100 * Exotic, Sexy, Energetic,ASIAN TER ID#:149607 ღ - 19
(East Orlando: (UCF Area) 100% REAL PICS!)
Its that time to come furfill all your dream$$$click here to play - 18
(Orlando, Orlando-seminole county-will travel)
❇❇INduldge w/ a 👅taste🍬 of Natalie ,#1👍 Exotic Professional DD36 for OutcaLL only - 25
(Orlando, Out calls)
Incalls 2day dont delay! Best donations **SPECIALS** Fun-Sized ( well-reviewed) Let me make u smile! - 23
(Orlando, ORLANDO / IN&out; 24/7)
Juicy -- 100% Real Pics Best Ebony SPECIALS ALL DAY - 21
JODIE @ NIKI 407-680-6091 incalls $180.00 HIGH REVIEWS on my WEB SITE look for your self - 35
*❤*Ju! cY b00TY O!LED up & Re@dy *❤* $90 Th!Ck & FrE@Ky *ߒ˪☆ BeSt MoUtH In Da SoUtH☆ LeT Me TaStE! - 20
(Orlando, Sandlake/Johnyoung incalls..OUTCALLS too)
Jamaican Goddess°•№➊ ReQuEsTED ) ✰Miss EnVy✰ =CoMpLeTE Ecstacy ** outcalls specials!!!! - 23
(Orlando, altamonte, lake mary, sanford, heathrow)
☆(= I'vE °BeeN° A °BaD° BaDD °GiRL° COME SPANK ME =) ☆ T3R 1D: 206263 - 22
[*InrtOducing*] 5'4 11Olbs 34D [*ALL NATURAL*] Upscale Japanese Hottie [*Visiting*] - 20
(Orlando, OrlandO In/Out w. Cali's Best ;)
•-:¦:-• Independent •-:¦:-• Tantalizing •-:¦:-• Hott •-:¦:-• Brunette •-:¦:- - In/OutCalls - 21
(Orlando, In & Out Call Specials....Call Now)
Jina's back! LAUREN'S friends contact me. Incall & outcall orlando & surrounding areas - 44
(Orlando, internationaldrivedisneyorlandodeland)
✳🍥JESSICA💟✳ let me pleasure you 🍥✳ kinky but classy 💟❇100 real piks - 20
(Orlando, OUT TO YOU disney I drive lake buena vis)
Incall special !#1 in companionship **well reviewed by ** SimPly The Best ! - 27
(Orlando, orlando/ surrounding area')