Fri 03 Jan
💖💕 ThIcK & JuIcY Latina Princess 💕💖 💋🌟 AvAiLAbLe MOnDAy AnYTImE 🌟💋 - 77
(Orlando, ••FOUR07*TWO83*TWO97NINE•• E.Colonial Dr)
****Thick Hips**Soft Lips**Hot Blonde*** Available now **** 702-608-6296 ***** - 25
⏝ ⏠⎠ SUPER SEXY **REAL Pics** !! GIRL !! $150 hr Out Call Holiday Special - 21
(I Drive/ Convention center in/out calls)
SUPER Pretty Exotic Bree!! Call Now 321-233-6410 Bree Look At Pics NOW!! Wow! Call Now! - 23
(Orlando, IncallOutcall 24/7 Call Now 321-233-6410)
👑 submissive petite feminine trans girl 😘 Qv specials✔️ - 19
(Orlando, West colonial n powers in/out)
[[*SPECiALS ALL DAY*]] ★ [[* SEXXi EBONY BARBiE]] $60/$80/$140Hr - 32
SoFt SeXXy & SaSSy CuBaN MaMi {[*ExTrEmE S-E-X ApPEaL*]} $70 $100SpEcIaLs!! 140Hr! - 25
((Maitland/I4) 436 - RaTeS R PoSteD)
SoRRy if I MiSSeD U😕°o🍓🍒o°TaStY CuBaN PrInCeSs°o🍒🍓o° [AvAiLAbLe Wednesday after 6pM] °o🍒🍓o° - 77
(INCALL ONLY♢305.33zero338five♢, Orlando)
• SICK OF DiSaPPOiNTMeNTs ?? •★• ———YoU Deserve ME! ———•★• NO FaKES HeRE•★ Genuine RaTed BeST - 21
(Orlando, Universal Studios international drive)
sexy lisa from nyc in town for this week 100 specials get it wile im hear 5169455237 - 23
(all orlando)
.......... ......... ........... SEXY BLONDE from Naples ......... ........... ........... - 22
*¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P ___ B_A_B_Y ___ T__a__K__e __ A ___ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:-* SPECIALS - 21
(International drive)
.......... ......... RECENT COLLEGE GRAD visiting from Naples .......... ............ - 22
(OUTCALLS only please)
☆ ReaL Girl_Down to earth ☆ Sweet & Petite ☆ Sexy ☆ Brunette Kitten ☆ - 19
(Orlando, west orlando/ downtown area)
(¯`·.·´¯) (¯`·.·´¯) PLEASURE all Around ME ~*~ IN/OUT ~*~ Lets PlaY (¯`·.·´¯) (¯`·.·´¯) - 25
♛ PERFECT10 LaTiNa! ♛ DOLL FACE CUTIE UpScAle Outcalls SpEaCiAl ! - 21
****Papi....come play with me!!!! PIETTE*SPANISH MAMI**** - 21
(Orlando, Maitland/Lake Mary/Orlando friendly)
ONLY The BEST For YOU !!! --- $300 OUTCALLS /INCALLS 💋❤❤💋💋 XOXOX🌟 🌟🌟🌟 We LOVE TO ------- ----💋💋 Party!!! - 27
OUTCALL SPECIAL!! ITS ME OR ITS FREE!! xoxo L∅∅k§❤ ▃▆▓❤▓▆▃ G∅∅D ▃▆▓❤▓▆▃FEELS ▆▓ EVEN ▓▆▃ B£tt£R▃▆▓ - 22
(Orlando, Orlando, Buena Vista, Kissimmee)
**YOUNG 21 ******* GUARANTEED REALLY ME !!! ****** PLAYBOY PLAYMATE ******* 321-278-6578 *****SEXY!! - 21
^*$$$*^NEW Sweet Thick EbonY Ready 4 ACtion LeT's GeT kiNKy Daddy^*$$*^ - 20
(International Drive / Convention Center)
New PiCs **SMOKING HOT LATINA PLAYMATE* GooD 2 The Last Drop Ooh Papi .... $80 Sp c!@ls - 21
(Orlando, ** ORLANDO, INCALL/OUTCALLS** Always Up!)
*NEW* SeXii Mixed Exotic💎 Colombian Goddess💎 SPECIALS :-) - 19
(Orlando, Ucf , East colonial , Airport , Semeron)
100hhr ♥ New Naughty Filipina Playmate ♥ 140hr
(orlando/i drive incalls outcalls)
NeW to ThE ArEa~~~SeXXy and ClASSy LaTiNa MaMi~~~ ((InCaLL$100 SpeCiAL)) - 25
(528~Consulate Dr~OBT/OutCaLLs)
*NEW* SeXii Mixed Exotic Colombian Goddess Readii To Play 50 Special :-) - 19
(Orlando, Oak ridge , landcaster, west colonial)
New To Orlando... Curvy GERMAN Beauty!!! 40/50/60 SPECIALS!!!! Come See ME!!! I Have Friends... - 21
(Orlando, 528 And McCoy INCALLS AND OUT)
★My Body Is A REAL! BRICK HOUSE!★Juicy! Super Sexy Scarlett!!★ Call ME NOW★407-900-3632★Call Now!★ - 35
(Orlando, Orlando& surrounding areas★407-900-3632★)
NEW____*__Y__ O__U__ R__*__T __O__P __*__ C__H__O __I__C __E_* Independent Brunette Bombshell* - 23
N E W ★S E X Y ★N A T U R A L★L A T I N A ★B E A U T I F U L ★1OO% REAL - 24
(Orlando, outcalls only)
_!!!! _*_ !!! _N A U G H T Y - N I G H T - V I X E N_ !!! _*_ !!!! _C OM E EXPLORE - 22
(Orlando/International dr)
Middle Eastern Beauty! 36DDD 100 OutCall Specials! Leaving! SUBSCRIBE on YouTube! NEW VIDEO (V13) - 21
(Orlando, Orlando International Drive)
Morning I'm so ready today to please.. I'm NADIA a Sexy Brazilian school girl. - 21
(altamonte springs)
** Looking for some fun? I'm ready to play. ** Call ME. ** SPECIALS !! - - 24
(Orlando, Orlando . kissimmee.)
*"* LAST DAY In town! AMAZINGLY REVIEWED! Bubbly Personality *GORGEOUS* FLAWLESS face 38DDDs *"* - 19
Juicy**** New girl in town looking for passionate companion Available now!!! - 27
(Orlando, Winterpark/436)
If YoUr TiReD oF aLl ThE rEsT tHeN cOmE tHe BeSt... $$60$$ SpEcIaLs.... - 32
(Orlando, Lake Buena Vista/ 535/ Disney)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I'm What Dreams Are Made Of ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Sexy "Strawberry"♥ 100$$ Special NEW PICS - 32
(Orlando, OUTS ONLY!!!!)
If YoUr TiReD oF aLl ThE rEsT tHeN cOmE tRy tHe BeSt... $$60$$ SpEcIaLs.... - 32
(Orlando, Lake Buena Vista/ 535/ Disney)
~~~~Hot Sexy LATINA here~~~~Over 40 where you @ - 28
(Orlando, Windermere, WP, Dr Phillips, Clermont)
H🔥O🔥T😘😘 Playmate💋💕New In Town💋 🙌100%real👏Absolutely Beautiful "💖Sexy👑
(Orlando, ALL Orlando !! (( OUTCALLS )))
* :.✧.: * Highly Talented Blonde Beauty * Your Ultimate Classy Desire *:. ✧.:* - 22
(Orlando, YOUR PLACE OR MINE (international blvd))
*HOT ITALIAN PLAYMATE** I Do .. Late Nite Specials. W@!t!ng. - 21
(Orlando, Orlando Incalls/ Outcall)
Highly Reviewed & 100% Real *** Mixed Hottie** 407-285-8382 - 25
(Orlando, In/Out...GoodHomes/Balboa)