Sat 22 Feb
Sun 12 Jan
I'll mEeT YoU at thE dOOr with ***NOTHING*** oN! Just LEGS, LIPS, HIPS, NIPS, BOOBS AND THIGHS! - 25
(Orlando, Kissimmee, Incall, outcall to your hotel)
Sat 11 Jan
**summer SPECIALS** sMeLL. SEe. HEaR. tOUCh. TASTE... Come ignite ALL senses! NO 1 does it BeTteR!! - 24
(Orlando, Kissimmee, Incall, OUTCALL to your hotel)
Thu 09 Jan
Let me FEEL your NATURE RISE with my MoUnDS and SloPEs! 34DD-28-40 !!!!! - 24
(Orlando, Kissimmee, Incall, OUTCALL to your hotel)
Sun 05 Jan
DoNt TaLk WiTh YouR MOUTH FuLL**ThiS iS WhAt PLeaSurE TASTES LiKe**FuLL CoArSe MEAL, CoMe & GeT iT! - 24
(Orlando, Kissimmee, Incall, OUTCALL to your hotel)
Sat 04 Jan
*SPECIALS* Let me FEEL your NATURE RISE w my MoUnDS & SloPEs! DoNT StOP til YOuve REacHED uR PeAK!! - 24
(Orlando, Kissimmee, Incall, OUTCALL to your hotel)
° ★ ° HOT LATINA ° ★ ° BIG DD'S ° ★ ° MODEL BODY ° ★ ° - 24
(Orlando, OUTCALL/INCALL 320-289-5161)
Fri 03 Jan