Wed 05 Mar
Sat 22 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
* super sexy puertorican playmate looking to have fun * - 25
(Orlando, Orlando airport/in/out/se habla espanol)
**** SpOnTaNiOuS FuN WiLd ExOtIc ViXeN LaTiNa **** (KiSSiMMee 90 rose incall special ) - 23
(Orlando, Kissimmee in/outcall)
STOP URGENT sexy and freaky jamaican and panamanian VISITING FR NYC - 22
(Orlando, INTERNATIONAL DR... INCALLS orlando Alta)
sOoo...NaStY !!..Soo... *sWeeTt *{ CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN* *SuNdAy* "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
sOoo...NaStY !!..Soo... *sWeeTt *{ CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN* *WeNsDaY* "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
SPECIALS!! L i V e * O u T * y O u R * f A n T a S i E s {G F E} wEt wEt!! aNy♥ThInG gOeS - 23
INCALL OUTCALL * Need a Sweet Yummy Snack?!? UnRushed and Very PLEASING! Relaxes with the Best - 24
" AlNiTe "{FreAkY&SlUttY; } *sPiCy MixMaMi* ...I'll KeEpIt... *Wide OPEN 4u * HoTt 60/QkY SpECiaLs * - 25
5 ★ X-x-X ★ REVIEWED *:. :* GARDEN __ OF __ ANGEL *:. :* (( 80// 100// 140 )) - 19
(University Blvd - UCF area IN/OUT 24/7)
1000%REAL❤ ▄▄▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ S E X Y LaTiNa PLAYMATE ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ 1000%REAL - - 23
(Orlando, International dr incall)
~100 100 100 ThIcK ChOcOlATe FREAK ~100 100 100 WiTh AlOt Of A.z.z 100 100 100 &&& READY TO PLEASE!! - 23
Sun 26 Jan
my services are erotic lick eat & gfe &new &bdsm &bbbj+bj no condom &body to body nuru massage &shower together party favors&kissing and touch me & text number +1(757) 770-3747 🍑 🌿
my services are erotic lick eat & gfe &new &bdsm &bbbj+bj no condom &body to body nuru massage &shower together party favors&kissing and touch me & text number +1 (862) 621‑0217 🍑 🌿
my services are erotic lick eat & gfe &new &bdsm &bbbj+bj no condom &body to body nuru massage &shower together party favors&kissing and touch me & text number +1 (570) 535‑3886 🍑 🌿
Mon 13 Jan
PicK Up THe PhoNE AnD fiND ouT whY THeY cAlL Me tHE #➊SExY mIXed BLondE HoTTie ))))..IN/OUT - 25
(West Orlando...Private residence..IN/OUT)
Sat 11 Jan
"NaStY" { CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN *MaMi* {I'LL gEt tHe CrEaM oUt tHe PoLe} "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
*NaStY*{ CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN *SuNDaY*{I'LL gEt tHe CrEaM oUt tHe PoLe} "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
* NaStY *{FreAkY&SlUttY; } *sPiCy MixMaMi* ...I'll KeEpIt... *Wide OPEN 4u * HoTt 60/QkY SpECiaLs * - 25
💋💋💋💋💋Come enjoy yourself, let a beautiful women cater to your every desire, be a KING!!💋💋💋💋 - 29
**** SpOnTaNiOuS FuN WiLd ExOtIc ViXeN LaTiNa **** (CLeRMoNT) - 23
(Orlando, incall / outcall Clermont)
___ LATE NIGHT ______ (((((((( ____ $70// $100 // $150 ____ ))))))) _______ SPECIALS ______ - 19
(UCF area IN/OUT 2 hotels > 5star REVIEWS)
Fri 10 Jan
4 GIRLS _________ aval NOW!!!! *¨¨*:: EARLY _______ MORN!NG _______ INCALL ______ SPEC!ALS :*¨¨*: - 19
(University/UCF IN/OUT2 Upscale Location$)
SPECIALS!! 100/hr **** 60/hh **** !! H o T * S e X y * d R i P p I n G W e T** P i Nk - 23
⭐⭐⭐KILLER Mouth 💋💋💋⚠EXtReAMly ADdiCTive Soft Lips💋💋 - 35
(Lake Mary Sanford Seminole County, Orlando)
🎀🦄⭐️ Don't cheat yourself.⭐️.TREAT yourself ⭐️🦄🎀 - - 23
(international drive ,all of Orlando, Orlando)
80hh/130hr*** H o T and W e T T i G h T * sQuIrtEr ♥ ♥ aNytHinG GoEs!! LeT Me SpOiL U! - 23
Thu 09 Jan
**** BloNdE BaRbiE *** Ready 2 Please U !!! *** SpeCialS CaLL ME BaBy For The time of your Life!! - 23
(Treasure Coast, Treasure coast ALL)
"NaStY" { CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN *MaMi* {I'LL gEt tHe CrEaM oUt tHe PoLe} "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
Hot Latin Cuban Italian Wild.And Crazy Fetish Friendly Incall only Special baby@@@@@@ - 32
(Orlando, Orlando.Universal Blvd)
- (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) -ORLANDOS -:¦:- HOTTEST BRUNNETTE (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) - - 22
J__u__s__T ___ A__ r__ r__ i__ v__ e__ d ___ I__n ___ T__ o__ w__ n *** SeXy BLONDE PlaYmaTe *** - 24
(*** ORLANDO Incalls & Outcalls ***)
J__u__s__T ___ A__ r__ r__ i__ v__ e__ d ___ I__n ___ T__ o__ w__ n *** SeXy BLONDE GFE PlaYmaTe - 24
(*** ORLANDO Incalls & Outcalls ***)
80 Roses Special Monday ONLY !! Let Me Be your SWEET TREAT TONIGHT BABY - 26
(Orlando, Oviedo east orlandoUCF UR Place)
80hh/130hr*** H o T and W e T T i G h T * sQuIrtEr ♥ ♥ aNytHinG GoEs!! LeT Me SpOiL U! - 23
∆√∆√∆ AMAZING SpeCiaLs ALL NITE...{{{{SEXY ITALIAN TREAT}}}}HaiLeY BaBy~√∆√∆√∆ - 25
(Orlando, West Orlando & all surrounding areas)
Wed 08 Jan
★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ HoT ★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★ - 26
Tue 07 Jan
What BETTER Way To Start This HOTT Day??? :::: :::: SWEET :::: WELL - REVIEWED :::: 2 girls!!! - 19
(East Orlando INCALL UCF)
X___X___X RATED ★ FIVE ★ STAR ★ REVIEWS ★ X___X___X (80 /100/ 140) - 19
(UCF area IN/OUT 2 hotels >> 5 * REVIEWS)
RISE AND SNINE!!!!!! Start Ur Day Off With A Cup Of Coffee & CREAM - 19
(Incall=UCF area / OUT=UPSCALE Locations)
Mon 06 Jan
STOP URGENT sexy and freaky jamaican and panamanian VISITING FR NYC - 20
(Orlando, lee rd.. INCALLS /outcalls)
**** SpOnTaNiOuS FuN WiLd ExOtIc ViXeN LaTiNa **** (KiSSiMMee InCaLl) - 23
(Orlando, also servicing clermont outcall)
*NaStY*{ CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN *MoNdAy* {I'LL gEt tHe CrEaM oUt tHe PoLe} "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
HMMM???? What 2 do tonight???? ::::: SOMETHING :::::: SWEET :::::: T!GHT ::::: RELAXING (70/90/135) - 19
(EAST ORLANDO incall only!! great reviews)
* WeT&CrEaMy; * { FreAkY&SlUttY; } *MiXx MaMi* .I'll KeEpIt... *Wide OPEN 4u* *HoTt 60/QkY SpECiaLs* - 25
BOOB - A LISCIOUS DOUBLE D'S ! Incall/Outcall now available... Let's play! - 35
(Orlando, East Orlando, UCF, Waterford Lks, WPark)
* NaStY *{FreAkY&SlUttY; } *sPiCy MixMaMi* ...I'll KeEpIt... *Wide OPEN 4u * HoTt 60/QkY SpECiaLs * - 25
SEXY, CLASSY SUGAR BABY \ MASSEUSE seeking a financialy stable man(Incall location only 7/29 - 8/1) - 27
(Orlando, orlando/winterpark/windermere an more)
Sun 05 Jan
*****BloNde BarBie **** wKnD SpEciALS **!! Ready 2 Please U Specials CALL ME BaBy(: XoXoXo - 23
(Treasure Coast, Treasure Coast ALL)
▬❤❤▬YOUNG❤❤ ▬❤▬❤▬❤▬✿GIRL✿ ▬❤▬❤407-925-8647▬❤▬H O T▬❤▬❤▬SExXxY❤▬ ✿▬❤ chinese ▬❤▬ N E W ▬BEST SERVICE - 20
(Orlando, Universal / Kirkman/ Incall)
sOoo...NaStY !!..Soo... *sWeeTt *{ CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN* *TuEsdAy* "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25