Mon 27 Jan
sOoo...NaStY !!..Soo... *sWeeTt *{ CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN* *SuNdAy* "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
sOoo...NaStY !!..Soo... *sWeeTt *{ CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN* *WeNsDaY* "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
Sat 11 Jan
"NaStY" { CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN *MaMi* {I'LL gEt tHe CrEaM oUt tHe PoLe} "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
*NaStY*{ CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN *SuNDaY*{I'LL gEt tHe CrEaM oUt tHe PoLe} "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
Fri 10 Jan
💋Lucious Lips💋Curvy Hips💙Blue Eyes💙{{Thick}}Thighs° ❗️{Boricua N White Mix}❗️ - 25
(Orlando, Orlando/Incall/Come On Over Baby)
Thu 09 Jan
"NaStY" { CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN *MaMi* {I'LL gEt tHe CrEaM oUt tHe PoLe} "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
Mon 06 Jan
*NaStY*{ CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN *MoNdAy* {I'LL gEt tHe CrEaM oUt tHe PoLe} "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
* WeT&CrEaMy; * { FreAkY&SlUttY; } *MiXx MaMi* .I'll KeEpIt... *Wide OPEN 4u* *HoTt 60/QkY SpECiaLs* - 25
* NaStY *{FreAkY&SlUttY; } *sPiCy MixMaMi* ...I'll KeEpIt... *Wide OPEN 4u * HoTt 60/QkY SpECiaLs * - 25
Sat 04 Jan
sOoo...NaStY !!..Soo... *sWeeTt *{ CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN* *SaTuRdAy* "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
*NaStY*{ CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN *WeNsDaY*{I'LL gEt tHe CrEaM oUt tHe PoLe} "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
°LiMiTeD TiMe OnLy★ S!uTtY.. *sWeeT*_XxX_ DoMiNiCaN FrEaK ★ $100/Hhr JuIcY sPeCiAlS GfE° - 27
(KiRkMaN Rd....InCaLLs/OuTcAllS)
*NaStY*{ CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN *WeNsDaY*{I'LL gEt tHe CrEaM oUt tHe PoLe} "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
Fri 03 Jan
sOoo...NaStY !!..Soo... *sWeeTt *{ CoMmLuVin } *SuPeRsUxXiN* *MoNdAy* "JuIcY 60/qky SpECiaLs" - 25
°In ToWn NoW ★ _XxX_ *DeLuXe* sO FrEaKy... DoMiNiCaN s!Ut ★ $100/hhr JuIcY gFe SpEcIaLs° - 27
(KiRkMaN Rd..incall/outcall)
NaStY {CoMmLuVin} *SuPeRMaMi* "KeEpMe~Wide OpEn" JuIcY 80/hhr SpECiaLs {aLL NiTe LoNg} - 25
Thu 02 Jan